Don’t take anything personally You are your own neighborhood and it’s a great neighborhood and it doesn’t matter what people think or do only good people are allowed in … Continue Reading
5 Things to remind yourself daily POSITIVE THINKING ATTRACTS POSITIVE ENERGY TOWARDS YOU! I AM THAT AND MORE. I tell myself that and boost myself up to the scale beyond the … Continue Reading
Three things you should know It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings. All things are possible with God in your life! Continue Reading
When what you look like becomes less an issue Real beauty comes from within. When you look at that seemingly strange person in the mirror thank her because she has brought you this far. … Continue Reading
Always protect your spirit from negativity Putting yourself first can be a good thing if someone continues to abuse, take advantage, letting go makes a person stronger! I’ve gotten to the … Continue Reading
Never waste your time trying to explain to people People are going to believe what they want to believe, it’s that simple! If they can’t see it then they don’t know you. Sometimes it … Continue Reading