God knows who belongs in your life and who doesn’t There is a lesson in every trial or experience. People come in our lives for a reason, season or lifetime, during those times we are … Continue Reading
People come and go in your life Sometimes, it’s not your choice to leave, but other people’s choices can change your whole life. ~ Nathan Barnes Just care of your true friends and … Continue Reading
Let go a little and let life happen When you have a great and difficult task, something perhaps almost impossible, if you only work a little at a time, every day a little, … Continue Reading
How to know a True Friend? When times are hard, it is easy to tell who your true friends are and who is only there for you during the great times … Continue Reading
Be selective when it comes to choosing friends As I grow older I discovered that not all friends are true. You can be very true and faithful to your friendship, but they are … Continue Reading
Whoever is meant to be there in your life The right person will come to your life with the right reason, just be patient to wait. Think about how your life took course based … Continue Reading