Don’t worry about the things in you have no control over It’s so much easier to be positive when your not a felon and you have to continuously pay for your mistakes. ~ Jessica Baller Continue Reading
Don’t worry about the labels others placed on you The most freeing thing I’ve ever done was to decide, screw it! I am Who I am. Like it or lump it. I’m rather fond … Continue Reading
Stop thinking too much Ego says: “When everything falls into place, I will find peace.” Spirit says: “Find peace and everything will fall into place.” Thinking & never has any … Continue Reading
Something wonderful is about to happen Wake up energetic, willing and joyful. Taste the golden sun rays, smell the love in the fresh morning blows and remember: life is meant to … Continue Reading
Good things are going to happen Sometimes things goes wrong but always believe in God and trust in him and the light will shine. We all get down sometimes but then look … Continue Reading
When people are rude to you When different people end up treating you badly. After a couple of times you start to wonder if it’s your fault and you question yourself. … Continue Reading