Respect people who find time for you Many are still clinching on to their gadgets, spending less time with people who are alive and moving around them but seem to be invisible … Continue Reading
Respect people’s feelings We do not know how heavy the pains they had gone through before you meet these people. Take this opportunity to let someone know you … Continue Reading
People come and go in your life Sometimes, it’s not your choice to leave, but other people’s choices can change your whole life. ~ Nathan Barnes Just care of your true friends and … Continue Reading
Spend time with the right people Although when you realize you spent time with a wrong person, look for the lesson. At least you’ll learn a couple of things. ~ Toni Michelle Enjoying … Continue Reading
If people are meant to be in your life, they will catch up At time your better without some people in your life. God puts people in your life and takes them right out of your life and … Continue Reading
When people are rude to you When different people end up treating you badly. After a couple of times you start to wonder if it’s your fault and you question yourself. … Continue Reading