Close the door to the past & open the door to the future I did that today. First day at a new job. Starting a new chapter and it feels great! ~ Jessica Marie I’m doing it now. … Continue Reading
It’s never too late to start over anything in life Baby steps turn into change! The journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step. If I still continue hurting myself, I’m stupid. I’m tired … Continue Reading
When people walk away from you let them go You let go and allow the creator to do the rest. God sends people into our lives for a reason, season or a lifetime. It … Continue Reading
You will never get what you truly deserve Being at peace with your past allows you to visit it see the good amidst the hard lessons and know it’s purpose in your journey. … Continue Reading
Sometimes it’s very hard to move on Move on even if it is baby steps, one day at a time! Life is full of challenges. How you respond is your choice? Rise … Continue Reading
Some people are going to leave you in your life Often them leaving is a part of life and a time for change. Sadly I have lost a lot of people in my life’s journey … Continue Reading