Often we allow ourselves to be upset by small things Learning how to let go is a good start anything is better than dwelling on what could’ve been. God grant me the serenity to accept … Continue Reading
In life, people are going to break you Not everyone who says they are your friend is truly your friend. Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing. In life you come across people of … Continue Reading
True love is always worth the wait If someone truly loves you they won’t make you wait for their love imo. You’ll know when it’s true love because it comes from the … Continue Reading
How happiness is achieved in your life? Pay attention! Look at the moon & touch the flowers! You just have to stay focused and think happy positive thoughts. Volunteer in your community. … Continue Reading
In the end, you’ll know which people really love you That is my wonderful husband. With me for 54 years. ~ Judith Christenson I know I will always have my family by my side and their … Continue Reading
Never chase love, affection or attention in your life You can’t force someone to love you, better to move on and love yourself instead. You give all that you have and it’s still not … Continue Reading