Making a big life change is pretty scary Just made a huge life change. Moved to Palm Coast Florida and started a lawn care business. Scary as heck! 5 months and 31 clients! … Continue Reading
How happiness is achieved in your life? Pay attention! Look at the moon & touch the flowers! You just have to stay focused and think happy positive thoughts. Volunteer in your community. … Continue Reading
As you get older you will understand more about your life If we could all understand this at a younger age think of how happy we could be. ~ Michelle Bandyk The older one gets, the more … Continue Reading
If you spend your life trying to please people Don’t waste your time in pleasing others, just pleased yourself first! It’s very hard once you have lost yourself while trying to please others and … Continue Reading
There will always be people in your life who treat you wrong If you can’t thank them, be the bigger person, and remember you’re better than they are. Thank you everyone! Rather than be a hateful, negative … Continue Reading
Why do we close our eyes when we pray, cry, kiss or dream? The heart feels deeper than any other sense of the body, yet it has no eyes to see with nor ears to hear with no … Continue Reading