Stressing over something you can’t change Don’t pressurize yourself! You will when right time comes don’t force yourself. Many people want to move away and start a new life in search … Continue Reading
Being a good person You learn when you get older. My circle is very small these days. ~ Irene Lima Love yourself first and foremost, only then will you be … Continue Reading
Let go of the people who dull your spirit There will always be people be jealous of who you are. For people it is the easy option. It’s not easy to be good do … Continue Reading
Never drop down to someone who treats you badly Not everyone will understand you but the good thing is you don’t have to prove yourself to those who don’t take the time to get … Continue Reading
Letting go of toxic people is a major step in life The way to happiness is knowing your own toxicity and how to eliminate them out your own system. A couple of friends became negative and just … Continue Reading
Forget it enough to get over it Forget the past hurts to move on gracefully! Life should always be given a chance. The secret is ‘a’ chance and then learn your lesson … Continue Reading