Sometimes it’s very hard to move on Move on even if it is baby steps, one day at a time! Life is full of challenges. How you respond is your choice? Rise … Continue Reading
Let go of past resentment There is no effort in forgiving, it’s the holding on to resentment that is taking the energy. Life is too short to hold on to … Continue Reading
Some people are going to leave you in your life Often them leaving is a part of life and a time for change. Sadly I have lost a lot of people in my life’s journey … Continue Reading
4 Ways to Reduce Stress Go outside and enjoy nature. It’s very calming and makes a work break feel twice as long. Exercise, pray, listen to music, watch comedy and laugh, … Continue Reading
Have faith in what will be When you put it like this, you make it sound pretty easy, when in fact ‘letting go’ is one of the hardest things you’ll ever … Continue Reading
It’s better to walk alone It’s better to have a few true friends than many fake ones. I spent over a half century going with the crowd, in the wrong … Continue Reading