Just moving on & getting over some relationships Honestly, the one that put you in that dark place, they aren’t even caring one way or the other. The minute you leave their side, … Continue Reading
When people walk away from you let them go You let go and allow the creator to do the rest. God sends people into our lives for a reason, season or a lifetime. It … Continue Reading
It’s not always about trying to fix something broken Sometimes once broken can’t be fixed, but l am a believer. Always look for the best and give your best, but I’m a believer in … Continue Reading
You will never get what you truly deserve Being at peace with your past allows you to visit it see the good amidst the hard lessons and know it’s purpose in your journey. … Continue Reading
When you let go of the unneeded stress I find trying to live my life following these few steps helps me stay Happy and less stressed. Be grateful for the beauty and uniqueness … Continue Reading
Forget about all the people who make you sad I’m moving on from a painful experience. I am wiser stronger and more confident then I ever was. Amazing how that happens. ~ Joanne Barrera When … Continue Reading