Learn to say No without explaining yourself So many people expect or demand an explanation. When you do finally get the courage to say a firm “No” and you walk away – … Continue Reading
Forget what hurt you in the past Forget what hurt you and move on. Carrying that baggage will only hurt you. The person who hurt you doesn’t even remember. You need to … Continue Reading
If you’re going to leave, then do it today When you decide to live together live it from the core of your heart. Love makes lovable! Do what you do in the beginning and … Continue Reading
When you look back on your life Life is like a journey. Sometimes you will up or sometimes you will be down but you learn a lots more right things here, so … Continue Reading
We meet people for a reason Many lessons make you wise and if you are lucky one blessing can be the world for you. My new husband is both. I learned … Continue Reading
People who cause us to feel negative emotion Nobody is immune from past experiences which have been unpleasant. When you happen to face those people involved in your past experiences , it triggers … Continue Reading