There’s Light & Dark within us We possess mind which is full of good thoughts and bad thoughts. if you desire to have a good life , you have to undertake … Continue Reading
We may walk a different path We are all being of light. We have all originated from the source and we are all divinely connected. Saints have given this knowledge for … Continue Reading
Healing doesn’t mean the damage never existed When you are healed , it doesn’t mean that there was no hurt , failure , grief , disappointments etc in the past. These feelings do leave … Continue Reading
Close the door to the past I get up everyday day and say, “Today is the first day of the rest of my life” ” and it’s a day the Lord … Continue Reading
Live for what tomorrow can bring Possibilities are endless for every tomorrow so leave everything behind but take all the lessons you learned. ~ Daisy Paredes Time heals all wounds. It’s ok … Continue Reading
You can’t just wish for a better life God has given you a natural talent for a reason. NOT to do nothing with it… You need to DEVELOP it… You need to WORK … Continue Reading