Everyone deserves someone Inner happiness comes from the love within and the Lord. If you can’t look forward to your own tomorrow by yourself, no one will make … Continue Reading
Is suffering really necessary? Yes and no! One choice, to make a change. You will be a lot longer dead than you will have lived. So enjoy it! We all have to … Continue Reading
People who had the worst past Experience is the best teacher. All you have to do is learn from it. I am living proof. I had a horrible past now. I … Continue Reading
How you make others feel about themselves? How you let others affect you also says a lot about you as well! We are not always responsible for how someone else interprets what … Continue Reading
Talking about our problems is our greatest addiction It’s okay to talk about problems if you are approaching it with an attitude of looking for solutions, but to wallow in pity or to … Continue Reading
Learn to say No without explaining yourself So many people expect or demand an explanation. When you do finally get the courage to say a firm “No” and you walk away – … Continue Reading