Never sacrifice your class for anyone There’s a lot less traffic when you take the high road. What wrong with giving karma a little helping hand sometimes. Continue Reading
Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go Every day is a new gift. Never stop the love and never stop dreaming. Where life takes you it can be for better so … Continue Reading
Sometimes it’s very hard to move on Move on even if it is baby steps, one day at a time! Life is full of challenges. How you respond is your choice? Rise … Continue Reading
People so often think that they are helpless Stay positive and be patient with yourself. Praise every tiny step you make going forward. Be your own cheerleader when it gets hard. Reap the … Continue Reading
The Five W’s of Life If you change to make someone like you, you’ll lose yourself in the process. Be yourself and someone will love the real you! Continue Reading
Don’t worry about the labels others placed on you The most freeing thing I’ve ever done was to decide, screw it! I am Who I am. Like it or lump it. I’m rather fond … Continue Reading