As long as the relationship lives in the heart My friend from childhood we may not talk for month and when we talk or see each other, it is like yesterday or hours ago. … Continue Reading
The heart is like a garden Plant and grow seeds of love and compassion first at yourself, then others will do, and others learn to plant seeds in you. The heart … Continue Reading
Why do we close our eyes when we pray, cry, kiss or dream? The heart feels deeper than any other sense of the body, yet it has no eyes to see with nor ears to hear with no … Continue Reading
If you have an ugly heart Looks attract but they don’t sustain. I have seen some of the prettiest faces have the coldest hearts and I have seen some of the … Continue Reading
Heart to heart conversations are the best To have complete honesty, you absolutely need to have complete trust. I spoke honesty, there is not one attracted, but I am grateful my husband … Continue Reading
People don’t always need advice Being quiet, is sometimes and many times, the best response! Some people don’t need advice, they are looking for a helping hand to cover up … Continue Reading