Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness It’s not up to us to decide what someone deserves. We decide what we deserve. ~ Ronie Smith You can forgive to set yourself free, but … Continue Reading
People who genuinely care about you Once you take the leap of faith and shag people that take a piece of your soul every time they mistreat you, you will find … Continue Reading
Don’t sacrifice your happiness to make everybody happy If people can’t accept you for who you are then let them pass you by. God is the one to please and pray as him … Continue Reading
Don’t worry about the people who hurt or hate you Don’t worry about those who hate you or hurt you. That’s between them & God. Pray for them. Let go & let God deal with them. … Continue Reading
Often we allow ourselves to be upset by small things Learning how to let go is a good start anything is better than dwelling on what could’ve been. God grant me the serenity to accept … Continue Reading
How happiness is achieved in your life? Pay attention! Look at the moon & touch the flowers! You just have to stay focused and think happy positive thoughts. Volunteer in your community. … Continue Reading