You need to forget what’s gone in your life Strive to focus on the present. It is after all a gift. The past is history and nothing can change it. The future must still … Continue Reading
The ugliest thing that you have ever seen Compassion and Kindness makes this world a better place to live in. If you have no compassion, your really not fully human. The ability to … Continue Reading
Be grateful for all your problems I have been through so many struggles in my life family, financial & so many health issues. I don’t complain yet I see others that … Continue Reading
Often we allow ourselves to be upset by small things Learning how to let go is a good start anything is better than dwelling on what could’ve been. God grant me the serenity to accept … Continue Reading
The longer you wait for something I waited until I was 50, but finally it found me. When you don’t look it finds you! ~ June MacDonald I waited 4 years for … Continue Reading
Stop focusing on how stressed you are If we counted all our blessings instead of our worries, the world would be a better place! Blessings are all around you if you just … Continue Reading