Everyone makes mistakes in life There is nothing that can not be overcome when you truly give it to the Lord. He will replace it with something so much better … Continue Reading
Sometimes you have to be strong for yourself When you’ve given everything you can until you have nothing left to give and get not even a kind word, it’s time to walk away! … Continue Reading
Good friends show their love You know the true colors of your friends in times of trouble. You see a person’s true colors when you are no longer beneficial to … Continue Reading
Bury the bad relationships in your life Tomorrow is a better day for all that. Never rush into things! For me everyday is a new day to have a chance to … Continue Reading
When you choose to see the good in others The more I try to find the good in others, the more they prove that it was wishful thinking on my part. ~ Don Trafford … Continue Reading
Two things that become more valuable the older you get Value, cherish and treasure the true friends in your life and consider yourself the richest person on earth. Friendship is like antiques, the longer … Continue Reading