Some things take time. Things will get better Those that wait upon on the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles. Continue Reading
The best things come to those who believe It took some time and a little hard work, but I reached the goals I had set for myself. Focusing now on what I hope … Continue Reading
Sometimes a good heart doesn’t see the bad I have forgiven myself and I’m moving on to find the good people in my life. ~ Patrice Dzilums People have their own intentions and use … Continue Reading
One good thing about Music When I went down into that black hole, I turned to music and never looked back. ~ Judith Copley Continue Reading
Always think good thoughts & do good deeds The only karma we have any control over is our own. So stop worrying about other people’s and concentrate all your energy and thoughts to … Continue Reading
Good things are coming on your way Have faith always in your heart. Good things happen to those who believe. Miracle does happen. Why not be happy with what you have … Continue Reading