Every struggle is temporary & we are never alone Every storm is temporary and we are never alone, but bear in mind that sometimes a storm is the train ticket home. Continue Reading
When life brings you big winds of change For me, the most challenging times in my life are the ones that forced me out of my comfort zones and yielded the greatest blessings, … Continue Reading
Your dreams will come true Whatever you go through in life, the hard times will pass. It’s not easy, there’s always the pain and the sorrow that comes with whatever … Continue Reading
Something will grow from all you are going through All the bad things that have happened this past year are making wonderful things happen! Continue Reading
Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go Count your blessings to know how the almighty has been good to you so far. In reality, doubt doesn’t really come from within. It’s … Continue Reading
If you are struggling in life right now Just keep your eye on the light at the end if the tunnel! Let us embrace and be opened to failure because it’s an asset … Continue Reading