Don’t take anything personally You are your own neighborhood and it’s a great neighborhood and it doesn’t matter what people think or do only good people are allowed in … Continue Reading
Sometimes your life is all about your dreams It’s those glorious and hopeful days that enable us to endure the one foot in front of the other ones. Sometimes we drive the car … Continue Reading
Don’t sacrifice your happiness to make everybody happy If people can’t accept you for who you are then let them pass you by. God is the one to please and pray as him … Continue Reading
Don’t try to be what others expect you to be If you only want to please everybody you’re fake and living like an actor, nobody will respect you because people will see you are acting … Continue Reading
There are some people who mock your dreams Why they do that instead of appreciate and work as a team. If they do that life will be so beautiful. ~ Rozina Ali Be strong … Continue Reading
Life is all about your dreams, hopes and visions The important thing is to keep going forward even at times each step may be more difficult than the one before. ~ Nola Neubauer Life is … Continue Reading