Sometimes good people make bad choices Humans are interesting creatures. We tell people to “move on” but we often hinder them with guilt and fatalistic pictures of what a mistake means. … Continue Reading
Choosing whether to walk away or try harder I chose to walk away. It was so hard, so incredibly hard, nervous breakdown hard, but, I did it and I am better for it. … Continue Reading
If someone treats you like an option I did that because I deserve more than this. It also means this person only see himself or herself. The right thing to do is … Continue Reading
There’s Light & Dark within us We possess mind which is full of good thoughts and bad thoughts. if you desire to have a good life , you have to undertake … Continue Reading
Feelings are much like waves We have all the right in the world to express our feelings and sometimes they are meets that are not meet and sometimes we have … Continue Reading
Choosing happines over hurt I certainly did after 30 years of hurt. I live my life how I want to not being bullied to the other ones demands. ~ Marj … Continue Reading