When you stop complaining about your problems Focus on the positive & positive things will happen! Never complain in life. Always find a way to remain positive and happy. I … Continue Reading
Sometimes, you actions do affect other people What hurts is the reality that the people that hurt us are those that we thought loved us the most. It’s unfortunate because we give ourselves … Continue Reading
If our actions don’t change, the words become meaningless We are all creatures of feel, touch and see and that is why these words is so meaningful to us. Some people think they can … Continue Reading
People actions will speak for themselves Some just not so appreciative. Be selective of whom you wish to spend time with. Actions always speak louder than words. People may tell you … Continue Reading
Your words & actions will offend people People think they have reason to get mad at you and make you look bad to others. Makes them feel better, go figure! ~ Sharon Beverley … Continue Reading
Holding on to anger only hurts you, not them Forgive but don’t forget and don’t allow them to hurt you again. I have some family I am dealing with this same issue. I forgive … Continue Reading