Sleep Problems

Sleep Disorders
Length: 30 Minutes
Price: 750/-


Life can become miserable if we are unable to get good night’s sleep!  We can’t concentrate, become irritable, even a small task becomes daunting. Your health is affected. Immediate reason could be stress or worry which can be short lived but it could be long lasting being a deeper problem and here we can help you.

This healing session is specifically designed to assist you with clearing the negative energies and energy blockages that prevent you from getting enough rest. We also send loving and healing energy to your heart, mind and soul for optimum effect. Each person will respond differently to our session but we are confident that you shall get relaxed and find the elusive rest and refreshing sleep that you deserve. Our session lasts one hour.

If you have any questions prior to healing session or any other related questions feel free to contact us at We shall try to contact you by email as early as possible.