Let go a little and let life happen When you have a great and difficult task, something perhaps almost impossible, if you only work a little at a time, every day a little, … Continue Reading
Choosing whether to walk away or try harder I chose to walk away. It was so hard, so incredibly hard, nervous breakdown hard, but, I did it and I am better for it. … Continue Reading
If people are meant to be in your life, they will catch up At time your better without some people in your life. God puts people in your life and takes them right out of your life and … Continue Reading
When the right things start to happen in life Negative people can ruin your day if you let them. Kick them out of your life. You’ll be glad you did. Get the toxic people … Continue Reading
Walk away from anything that gives you bad vibes Walk away from what destroys you and run into what defines you the best! I just took myself and my daughter out of a situation. … Continue Reading
Walking away has nothing to do with weakness It is so important that we realize our own worth and it has to come from within us, not by approval of others. It’s important … Continue Reading