Never get so busy making a living We all get caught up trying to provide the best for our families and only later realize we let life pass us by. It does … Continue Reading
It’s ok to just do what’s best for you First you make a decision to take care of yourself first, then you do that. It is called change, and all it takes is time and … Continue Reading
Sometimes we need to forget some people from our past If they’re holding you back from your future, sometimes we need to forget about a lot of things from our past that just don’t belong occupying … Continue Reading
A perfect relationship isn’t ever perfect Both people have to keep working at it. If one gives up the other can’t “fix” it alone. It totally takes two people. Sometimes being … Continue Reading
Learn to say No without explaining yourself So many people expect or demand an explanation. When you do finally get the courage to say a firm “No” and you walk away – … Continue Reading
When people are rude to you When different people end up treating you badly. After a couple of times you start to wonder if it’s your fault and you question yourself. … Continue Reading