Feelings are much like waves We have all the right in the world to express our feelings and sometimes they are meets that are not meet and sometimes we have … Continue Reading
Every person needs to take some time away Every person needs to take some time away. We give so much to those we love that we deserve some alone time to re-energize. I … Continue Reading
When someone does something wrong When someone does something wrong remember all the things that they did right and all the wrong that you have done to recognize someone’s wrong … Continue Reading
Negative people need drama life oxygen I will not play into their drama, it’s a waste of my time and energy. ~ Deborah Bell Continue Reading
When you feel like you are about to fall This is what must have happened to me then last week as I did fall, and then boom. The next day and everyday since I … Continue Reading
The less you worry about what people think I don’t worry about what people think. I worry about myself and the things that are important in my life, that’s all that matters. ~ Kathy … Continue Reading