Don’t worry about being perfect Be yourself, not what others think you should be. As long as you stay out of trouble and don’t hurt people, you’re all good. ~ Joanne … Continue Reading
You can’t just wish for a better life God has given you a natural talent for a reason. NOT to do nothing with it… You need to DEVELOP it… You need to WORK … Continue Reading
People who don’t understand the concept of loyalty & honesty Time to close some doors. I will remain loyal and honest to those who will accept me as I am. ~ Helen Gandara Too bad that … Continue Reading
You are in competition with no one We are born with different parent in the world with individuals legs to walk and hand to work so no need to have competition to … Continue Reading
You never know what someone is going through I stopped a older lady yesterday in food for less. I told her how beautiful and classy she looked. She was dressed in a red … Continue Reading
In the end, people will judge you anyway We spend out so much time trying to impress others & forget to live it from our own heart! People judge so harshly and assume … Continue Reading