Never sacrifice your class for anyone There’s a lot less traffic when you take the high road. What wrong with giving karma a little helping hand sometimes. Continue Reading
Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go Every day is a new gift. Never stop the love and never stop dreaming. Where life takes you it can be for better so … Continue Reading
Never force someone to make a space in their life for you This works in all situations. You can’t force a person to love you or be with you. It comes back to haunt you! Past … Continue Reading
Stop focusing on how stressed you are If we counted all our blessings instead of our worries, the world would be a better place! Blessings are all around you if you just … Continue Reading
Always protect your spirit from negativity Putting yourself first can be a good thing if someone continues to abuse, take advantage, letting go makes a person stronger! I’ve gotten to the … Continue Reading
If people can’t be there for you all of the time I can understand not being anyone’s convenience or consolation prize. That’s allowing yourself to be treated like a floor mat, but, please nobody can be … Continue Reading