You will know which people really love you in life Especially on times when you needed them most. Don’t keep pretend people in your life. Continue Reading
You do not have to make your children into wonderful people Tell you children every day that you love them and that they are wonderful. A positive mind, will reap positive results! A parent has to … Continue Reading
No matter what happens or how bad it seems today Things always get better or go away with time and every day is a new time. Keep plugging away and doing what you can. ~ Debbie … Continue Reading
Chasing people who don’t really care about you Chase your dreams and catch your goal, instead either people or a person. Stop chasing people who don’t care. You would be better off alone. … Continue Reading
You don’t need to be accepted by others You do not need to look for beauty in yourself. It is for others to discover it! I realized recently never going to be … Continue Reading
Love is the most painful thing to lose You never lose the love you have for the one you care. For you loose the person you cared for. That’s why it is so … Continue Reading