Keep your mind off things that don’t help you Sometimes our mind is our worst enemy. Can’t tell you how many times I overthink. To find out I was all wrong. It definitely hurts … Continue Reading
Why many people are not experiencing life to it’s fullest? They are called narcissists. I’ts very sad and heartbreaking for those they use then discard because their needs and wants aren’t being met anymore. I … Continue Reading
There will be haters & doubters in your life Who cares about all these haters and doubters? Do people really have this much drama going on in their lives. It’s like the croaking of … Continue Reading
When you choose to see the good in others The more I try to find the good in others, the more they prove that it was wishful thinking on my part. ~ Don Trafford … Continue Reading
Two things that become more valuable the older you get Value, cherish and treasure the true friends in your life and consider yourself the richest person on earth. Friendship is like antiques, the longer … Continue Reading
If you let people control you It destroys you! Take responsibility for your own actions. Be yourself. Stop letting people control your thinking. Have a mind of your own! Continue Reading