Once you let go of something in your life My life is finally going in the right direction now that I have let things go from my past. ~ Mary Kennedy It hurts to … Continue Reading
When you are able to bless someone else Sometimes it would be nice to have someone take the weight off of my shoulders, if even for a few hours! ~ Janice Wiersma Sometimes … Continue Reading
Someone who wants you in their life Acceptance is more important in loving a person. Continue Reading
Love like you have never been hurt Dancing like no one’s watching – in front of people, even if you don’t know them! I dance in the den with my dog watching. … Continue Reading
You don’t have to stay & respond to rude remarks It’s better not to respond to the lies, nonsense and ludicrous remarks of some people. Your silence is your best intelligent response. ~ Betty Vargas … Continue Reading
Everyone makes mistakes in life There is nothing that can not be overcome when you truly give it to the Lord. He will replace it with something so much better … Continue Reading