In life, you will meet two kinds of people Personally experience is yours alone along with a story to share, good and happy times along with deceptive people, psychopathic people, etc. After surviving crazy … Continue Reading
Today will never come again Wouldn’t the world be a better place if we all lived each day like this? If only the ones that you do that for, … Continue Reading
Don’t let anyone drain you of your happiness Be you and free and don’t let others try to stop you for been you! Don’t allow others to take up negative space in your … Continue Reading
Don’t worry about the haters If you tell the truth you have got nothing to keep up with! The truth sets you free. Haters are cowards! Continue Reading
It takes a lot of strength to put the past behind you It took me almost 40 years to fully heal and I can honestly say that the past is just that. Life is so much happier … Continue Reading
Some people wait all day for Friday Each day is a gift. That is why we call it the present. It really is! I love my life! I love being a teacher. … Continue Reading