Someday you will get there
If your someday was yesterday, learn. If your someday is tomorrow, hope. If your someday is today, cherish. Getting there is your goal but getting …

If someone treats you like an option
I did that because I deserve more than this. It also means this person only see himself or herself. The right thing to do is …

You always deserve peace in your life
You have to forgive the transgressions and then move on or you will not find peace with them and it will still haunt you. ~ Beverly …

You can’t change how people feel about you
You can’t please everybody. You can go on with your own life without them. Time to move forward and not live their drama. Live life …

No matter how hard your life can get
It’s just a bad day not a bad life! You are the only one who can change your life and situation. The choice is yours. …