You will never get what you truly deserve Being at peace with your past allows you to visit it see the good amidst the hard lessons and know it’s purpose in your journey. … Continue Reading
The only time you should look back at your past The only time to look back is what I taught my children, “When you finish college and move on with your careers, ” Please look … Continue Reading
People who control so much of your mind & emotions To be able to stop that, requires maturity on your own very part and maturity comes with rising above and beyond those part of you … Continue Reading
Often we allow ourselves to be upset by small things Learning how to let go is a good start anything is better than dwelling on what could’ve been. God grant me the serenity to accept … Continue Reading
The longer you wait for something I waited until I was 50, but finally it found me. When you don’t look it finds you! ~ June MacDonald I waited 4 years for … Continue Reading
Stop focusing on how stressed you are If we counted all our blessings instead of our worries, the world would be a better place! Blessings are all around you if you just … Continue Reading