The greatest weapon against stress Think always positive so that better will comes our way. Change your thoughts & also change feelings! Continue Reading
You need to forget what’s gone in your life Strive to focus on the present. It is after all a gift. The past is history and nothing can change it. The future must still … Continue Reading
You don’t need to be accepted by others You do not need to look for beauty in yourself. It is for others to discover it! I realized recently never going to be … Continue Reading
It’s not always about trying to fix something broken Sometimes once broken can’t be fixed, but l am a believer. Always look for the best and give your best, but I’m a believer in … Continue Reading
Love is the most painful thing to lose You never lose the love you have for the one you care. For you loose the person you cared for. That’s why it is so … Continue Reading
The ugliest thing that you have ever seen Compassion and Kindness makes this world a better place to live in. If you have no compassion, your really not fully human. The ability to … Continue Reading