People are being hated when they are real

Pranic Healing & Meditation Center

People are being hated when they are real

It’s more important to worry about what God thinks of me, not people!

Some people are thought to be real just because they are crude. Some people are thought to be fake because they don’t like to hurt others with crude names. Sometimes the world is upside down & confused. Sometimes people are suspected of being crazy if they smile too much or are being too kind. It is a sad world with so many killings & suicides. Some people are so mixed up & depressed that they do not trust anyone or anything. They have suffered much & have not had enough love in their life to know the difference between real & fake. All that we can do is the best that they can to be rational, reasonable, sane & encourage people to try to understand themselves & each other. “What the world needs now is love, sweet love” That is what the world always needs. “Fight the good fight with all your might” to know the fake from the real & make good choices to make a better world. ~ Violet Pearson