Pay attention to whom your energy increases & decreases around

Pranic Healing & Meditation Center

Pay attention to whom your energy increases & decreases around


Sometimes the universe doesn’t allow you to be with that person!

We all have good days and bad days. Someone going through a rough time needs patience and understanding not people who abandon ship. Friendship is there for the UPS and DOWNS, the GOOD and BAD! ~ Lori Lee 

It’s sad when the people who decrease my energy are family. I had to stray from them and block them out. Not worth it to me to be depressed over other people’s emotions that I can’t change. Cut them out, less stress and I’m finally happy again. Took me a long time to get here. ~ Rebecca DiCastro 

We can’t always have our own way. Life is always changing, we could be positive all we want and then bang something rocks our world! ~ Sheila Lacey