Criticism doesn’t make you smarter

Pranic Healing & Meditation Center

Criticism doesn’t make you smarter

Criticism doesn't make you smarter

To criticize others is to criticize one’s own self.
It’s called projection. Simply, a way to reduce responsibility and to make the speaker feel better about themselves. When in actuality; makes them look stupid. ~ Scotia Nova 
I know people that love criticism. Really just don’t care! It’s really called IMMATURITY and I’m not stooping to the level of the sad game they place upon themselves. ~ Beverly Wood 
There is a difference between criticism and constructive criticism especially for those that you care about. Constructive criticism is when you points out sure coming or dangerous or compromising position that one is putting themselves into that can lead them into a downward spiral row or harm them in some way. Simply criticizing someone is like judging them putting them down belittling them I do believe there’s different. ~ Lisa Spano 
Just keep your down and keep pushing forward and someone will come along and without you knowing they will love you and walk with you. Just keep you down and keep pushing forward and someone will come along and without you knowing they will love you and walk with you. ~ Barry Wallach