Negative comments from others are their own insecurities

Pranic Healing & Meditation Center

Negative comments from others are their own insecurities

Negative comments from others are their own insecurities

My friends & colleagues have given me this advice to help me with difficult people in my life. Takes a lot of practice to ignore comments though but the more you do the more empowered you feel. ~ Julie Rhodes 
You let it define you or shape you. You lower yourself to it or you rise above it and be happy and successful. As long as your conscience is clean and your sleep peacefully at night, knowing you have been dignified, and the best representation of yourself for that day, you did good. ~ Donna Pascal 
Keep my peace, mentally project love into that person who so obviously needs it, mentally tell myself, “This is not my truth”, provided I can’t just walk away. On days when I can’t hold my tongue, I’ll counter with a positive comment. Negative people tend to avoid you when you do that, and you still have done some good by releasing positivity into the Universe. ~ Etelka LaFontaine 
As I prepared for open heart surgery, I let go of any thing negative including people and friends who although they mean well, were really communicating things that blocked my trusting in the doctors, the medicines, the process, and my Lord. I came out of the surgery with perfect results, was up and released from the hospital in a matter of days instead of weeks. Forgive yourself, let go and forgive others and hold on to trusting yourself and others through love. ~ Mark Chadbourne 
All dreams can become your reality, surround yourself with positive upbeat people who have your well being foremost in their mind, be there for others yourself with open arms and heart.