You can’t count on others to respect your feelings

Pranic Healing & Meditation Center

You can’t count on others to respect your feelings

You can't count on others to respect your feelings

Walk away and don’t look back cheating people only make you frown. Put a smile on your face and wear a crown, everybody deserves to be happy. ~ Sheila Daley 

Honesty, loyalty and compassion are expensive gifts, so don’t expect them from cheap people.

I was like this a couple of years ago. Just wanted to walk into traffic and give up but I didn’t because of my kids. I spent a lot of time not knowing why I was crying and couldn’t sleep then I got up one day and just said NO I WILL NOT BE THIS WAY. I got through one day at a time. Once I realized the only person I could rely on was me. It made it easier because then it made me realize that the only person my kids had to rely on was me and that made me determined. ~ Dawn Evenden 

We can own their behavior we have power of choice to only change ourselves no one else, so if you are are a person of higher understanding of human nature, choose to change for yourself and govern your life with love and forgiveness, but remember don’t cast your pears before swine lest they trample you under you feet meaning you can’t change peoples nature, they must choose for themselves what kind of person they want to become.~ Daniel Schrijn