How you make others feel about themselves?

Pranic Healing & Meditation Center

How you make others feel about themselves?

How you make others feel about themselves?

How you let others affect you also says a lot about you as well!

We are not always responsible for how someone else interprets what we say to them. Their level understanding often has an equal role in their self perception. ~ Aanniey Tryfonas 

Sometimes we even show kindness and compassion only to be rejected by the other person. That’s ok, our goal should just be to share as much as possible, and not get down and out if it’s not received. 

Too many people were “taught” to find their value in the words and actions of others towards them so, naturally, unkind words and actions “made” them feel diminished. Once you realize, and truly accept, that what others say and do reflects how they feel and who they are, not you, you can let these things slide off you, but be aware as well, that what you and say and do to/for others is demonstrating who you really are – so be your best! ~ Judith Dugas