No matter how good or bad your life is

Pranic Healing & Meditation Center

No matter how good or bad your life is

No matter how good or bad your life is

Long walks outside or anything that gets you out of the house to change your thoughts. When you do something that makes you feel good; remember: “Bless someone else when you’re going through your own storm.” ~ Brigitte Nicole

My Life is not always as I want it, but I’m grateful to have my life. My heart goes out to all people having whatever life right now. You are not alone!

Be thankful for your friends and the people that love you because they won’t always be there.

Get the focus off of your self when you are feeling down and go do a random act of kindness for someone. It will lift your spirits. ~ Dorothy Marinelli 

You must remember we are only here for a limited time, must make the most of it. When the world looks ugly, go somewhere beautiful. You will have to come back but you can bring that feeling back with you as well. ~ Maria Perez