There’s no need to be perfect to inspire others

Pranic Healing & Meditation Center

There’s no need to be perfect to inspire others

dealing with imperfections is inspiration

Pure (perfect) gold is no beauty.

It’s the addition of impurities (imperfections) in the form of alloys which makes it usable to cast into jewelry and display its full glory.

Similarly, we need imperfections/challenges to rise to our full potential.

Men of glory were not born perfect. But their undying perseverance to do the best in the given situation led them to become shining examples in the pages of history forever.

Each person without exception has his own challenges to deal with. There is no person who is perfect. A person who needs inspiration will be the one facing challenges in some walk of life. Be it education, work, relationship, etc. Having said that, only persons who have displayed the fortitude to overcome their challenges in similar situations will inspire him. For instance, a person who is born with a silver spoon will perhaps not serve an inspiration to those who wish to earn money. An ordinary person who is able to rise from rags to riches is perhaps the one that will inspire him.

Hence, perfection does little to inspire. It is the “aspiration” towards perfection to manifest our thrones of challenges into petals of joy, which serves as true “inspiration”.