The Spiritual journey

Pranic Healing & Meditation Center

The Spiritual journey

The Spiritual journey

We are souls who have chosen to have physical body on this world to have life experiences and learn lessons which shall make us a better soul in our next incarnation. Our soul is immortal from this life to next life. Our common perception is that we have a physical body and soul lies within this body. This is deeply rooted childhood belief within us. Recognize that we are spirit first. We are not human beings having a spiritual experience but spiritual beings having human experience.

We are spiritual beings connected with God or light but we have forgotten our roots forgetting our life purpose. As we are not aware of our spiritual existence , we are prone to all types of fears in this materialistic world where your material possessions are paramount and there is constant fear of losing them. Once you realize that all the materialistic possessions acquired in this life are temporary and perishable and you can’t carry it to your next incarnation, you lose the fear of not acquiring any material possessions. Once you lose that fear , doors are opened for you to realize that all fellow human beings and animal kingdom have common source of origin and at soul level all that matters is unconditional love emanating from you for all living and non living things around you. Be grateful for what you have. This is the beginning of real spiritual journey which is our true path to God from which we  have wandered away. This journey is the source of lasting joy and satisfaction and inner abundance. Thus the Spiritual Journey is the unlearning of fear and the acceptance of love.