The only things that count are the things that happen in you

Pranic Healing & Meditation Center

The only things that count are the things that happen in you

The only things that count are the things that happen IN you

A tree grows from a seedling. The majestic life that we see outside, is a result of a tiny fragment of life that existed inside.

The pure and pristine Lotus flower blooms in the muddy pond, untarnished and unfettered.

If we give it a moment to observe, aren’t these standing examples of nature analogous to our lives as well?

All of us are endowed with rich wisdom and potential. Folks, It’s all there is us, but we are, at majority of times unable to realize it. We fail to realise and tap our true potential. Why is it so? Because, at all times we see and admire what is on the surface. The support system in fact resides below it. All the phenomena on the outside is only a result and reflection of our inner world. The outside picture is only a manifestation and flowering of our inner picture. Hence, what is important is the chemistry that goes inside of us. By unleashing our inner self through layers of self-restraint, we are able to create a truly magnificent world.