You have to face problems & work through them

Pranic Healing & Meditation Center

You have to face problems & work through them

You have to face problems & work through them

Everyone needs moral support along the way. I feel for those who do it all alone. You are the champions. ~ Jeff Dickson 
Killing your emotions and try not to feel the pain. Try to pretend your problems. Just go away if you choose not to deal with is the biggest lie you ever can tell yourself. So many people who may turn to addiction, or literally leave thinking they will be happier. The pain is hard sometimes but if you are willing to face with your “demons ” you will find peace and be happy again eventually but if you run away you will always feel heavy inside because you try to run away but you can’t run away from yourself. ~ Aniko Orland
Everything we go through in life is to teach us how to become angels when we get to heaven. Step outside of your box look at the problems you are facing, are they similar to other problems you’ve been facing in your life? Try to figure out what God is trying to tell you or perhaps teach you. Are you trying to save the same type of people and your the one who gets hurt? Do you pick the wrong people because you believe you deserve to be treated the way they treat you? Keep asking yourself questions like these until you find the one that clicks. Then you will have a place to start and don’t forget to Love yourself I mean really love yourself. I hope you find peace you are to young to be hurting. ~ Lisa Mickey