Sometimes you have to be strong for yourself

Pranic Healing & Meditation Center

Sometimes you have to be strong for yourself

Sometimes you have to be strong for yourself

When you’ve given everything you can until you have nothing left to give and get not even a kind word, it’s time to walk away! 
No matter how good or bad we are we can’t hold bad circumstances to happen it will happen we need to accept. ~ Linlin Calapano 
As a man, if he loves you, he will fight anyone and anything for you and be there for you no matter what. If not don’t bother, love can’t be force and you will only end up hurting yourself. As a girl, just be yourself and be cheerful and sunny as the sun. Pray and be at the right place at the right time. Hopefully you will meet the one you have been waiting for and that man loves you with all his heart. ~ Douglas Tan