Life get better and brighter when you move on

Pranic Healing & Meditation Center

Life get better and brighter when you move on

Stressing over something you can't change

You must get away from toxic people no matter if they are your family.
Some things we can’t change and there is no point in stressing over and maybe for the time being they are meant to be left alone, as hard as that can be, however, as we develop strength and resiliency we can then deal with things more clearly. ~ Sandy Dewhurst 
When things seem too heavy a load, you need to unload some. You will find it later that it’s the best decision you made in your life. You’re a worthy individual whose worth need to be respected. Stay focused on your life and God will provide what you need. Stress is what’s killing people. Don’t stress out do what you need to do. Keep going strong. ~ Lilia Espiritu 
Life get better and brighter when you move on. Take 5 deep breaths when this happens, see the difference in how you feel. ~ Leela Arocho