If you a few good friends in your life

Pranic Healing & Meditation Center

If you a few good friends in your life

If you a few good friends in your life

Even if you don’t have family & few true friends, if your blessed with the security of home & food then your so better off than millions of others.
So many people don’t look at it like that. They want to have bigger and better and more, and that is sad because some of the most unhappy people I’ve met had bigger, better, and more, and found out they were no happier. If you have a great appreciation in life and choose to live, you knew what it means to live in a moment of whether you have or not have. Someone always has it worse! ~ Sharon Easley 
We take so much for granted. When a friend gives you problems don’t dwell on that just know that if they’ve talked about others they’ve talked about you!